● Python is an Object Oriented programming language or a functional programming language?
● What is the difference between List and Dictionary data types in Python
● What is the difference between a Tuple and List in Python?
● What is a Python Decorator?
● what is lambda function ?
● difference between map and flatmap
● How would you remove duplicates within a list in Python?
● How we handle exception in python
● What are local variables and global variables in Python?
● What is 'Inheritance'
● explain slicing in python
● what are built in data types python provide
● How do you rename columns using Pandas?
● How to combine data frames in pandas?
● What is __init__?
● What is 'Abstraction' and how to use it
● Define class and object
● Write a program which will find numbers which are divisible by 7 but not a multiple of 5 between 2000 and 3200 (both included). The numbers obtained should be printed in a comma-separated sequence on a single line.
● Write a program to find largest sequence in a given list of numbers INPUT = [1,2,3,2,4,5,6,7,8,1,0,4,5,6] Expected Result: [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
● "Write a program to print the possible combinations of any given word INPUT = ""CAT"" Expected Result: ""CAT"",""CTA"",""ACT"",""ATC"",""TCA"",""TAC"" "
● Difference between list tuples and dictionary
● What’s the difference between an object and a class
● Explain 'Immutability'
● What are AWS Lambda functions and why would you use them
● Difference between library, framework and package
● How to reverse a linked list
● difference between 'args' and 'kwargs'
● Difference between 'oops' and functional programming
● In python show the integer in 2 tables i.e 11 is wrong ans but 12 is right i.e. 12 is in 2 tables
● what is streaming & spark streaming what is the need of spark streaming ?
● write a program sequence by key from dictionary?
● in list multiple record are present then find out 2nd largest element in list? But not use sort () & reverse().
● what is pip in python?
● for opening the file which command we used in python?
● which command we used to find current file in python?
● data manipulation command?
● Palindrome (of string, number):
● Fibonacci Series (using loop, recursion)
● String Compress (using loop, recursion)
● Fizz Buzz
● Character Occurrence
● Prime Number (prime or not, prime no in a range, total prime number in a range)
● Modify String Format
● Second Highest Number
● Armstrong Number
● Factorial Number:
● What are OOPs?
● What is the need for OOPs?
● What are some major object-oriented programming languages?
● What are the main features of OOPs ?
● What are the advantages of using oops ?
● What is a class ?
● What is an object?
● How much memory does a class occupy ?
● What is constructor and its type?
● What is a copy constructor ?
● Explain inheritance with an example ?
● What are different types of inheritance?
● Why doesn't java support multiple inheritance?
● What is subclass and superclass ?
● What is polymorphism and its type?
● What is method overloading ?
● What is the method overriding ?
● What is an access specifier ?
● What is super and this keyword?
● What is data abstraction ?
● What is an abstract class ?
● What is an abstract method ?
● What is an interface ?
● Why are interface variables public static and final ?
● What is encapsulation ?