● Is it Possible to Delete and Update in Hive Table.
● What is map side join? or How to handle a big table and small table in hive?
● Group by Key and reduceByKey difference
● Difference internal and external table
● what is partition and Bucketing
● map, bucket join
● hive optimization technique
● what is static and Dynamic partition
● where HIVE metadata store by default
● How the refresh hive metadata.
● How you manage duplicate data in hive
● is it possible to create bucket without partition
● Syntax of bucketing
● What type of data we store in hive
● Difference between map and flat map
● what is SerDe in Hive ?
● Types of tables in hive, on what tables you have worked in your project
● Types of joins in hive apart from normal joins
● What is vectorization
● What is difference between parquet and avro
● explain avro, parquet, RC,ORC
● which file format is good in hive and why ?
● How to add / drop partition in hive
● how to handle complex data in hive
● explain explode and lateral view in hive