● What are the Catalog tables in Hbase?
● What is Zookeeper role in hbase architecture?
● How will you drop a table in Hbase?
● Do you know Hive on hbase? how will you achieve it?(Hbasestorage handler)..If we delete a table from hive will it effect on hbase table?
● effect on hbase table?
● How will you load bulk data of 50GB file into Hbase table?
● Limitations of Hbase?(no support for sql syntax, indexing, joins,..)
● Difference between Hbase and Hdfs?
● How do we integrate HBase and Hive?
● How can we add/remove a node to HBase cluster?
● Can we safely move the HBase root directory in HDFS?
● Can we safely move the master from node A to node B?
● How do we fix OutOfMemoryExceptions in hbase?
● How can we change logging level in HBase?
● What ports does HBase use?
● Some times HBase is ignoring HDFS client configuration such as dfs.replication. what is the cause?
● What is the maximum recommended cell size?
● Why can’t I iterate through the rows of a table in reverse order?
● What is phoenix?
● How fast is Phoenix? Why is it so fast?
● Why is Phoenix fast even when doing full scan?
● What is column family?
● what is Surrogate key?
● what is HCatalog?
● why you used HBASE in your project ?