● What does SQL stand for?

● Which SQL clause is used to filter the results of a query?

● What is the purpose of the SQL SELECT statement?

● retrieve all the columns from a table named "employees"?

● In SQL, what is the purpose of the GROUP BY clause?

● how can you calculate the average salary of any employee?

● What is the difference between Union all and Union?

● Difference between Drop, Truncate and Delete

● What is the purpose of the SQL JOIN operation?

● What does the SQL PRIMARY KEY constraint ensure?

● What is the difference between Minus and Intersect?

● What is a Foreign key in SQL?

● What are Constraints in SQL?

● find 2nd highest sal dept wise(sql n dsl approach)

● if u have 'where' clause why we use 'having'---in sql

● Differentiate between Null, Nil, None and Nothing

● inner join examples sql

● union union all difference?

● what is windowing functions?

● what is left semi join and how it works?

● What are windowing functions?

● What is a stored procedure.Why would you use them?

● What are atomic attributes

● Explain ACID property of a database

● How to optimize queries

● What are the different types of JOIN (CROSS, INNER, OUTER)

● What is the difference between Clustered Index and Non-Clustered Index - with examples?

● Highest salary in SQL

● What Is Data?

● What Is The Database?

● What Is A Database Management System?

● Explain A Few Advantages Of Dbms ?

● What Are The Different Types Of Dbms ?

● Difference Between DBMS And Rdbms ?

● What Is The Difference Between A File System And Dbms ?

● What Are The Different Types Of Languages In Dbms ?

● What Is 2-Tier Architecture ?

● What Is 3-Tier Architecture ?

● Explain Level Of Data Abstraction In A DBMS ?

● What Is A Schema?

● What Are The Different Types Of Keys In The Database?

● What Is A Foreign Key?

● Difference Between Foreign Key And Primary Key ?

● What Are Ddl Commands ?

● What Are Dml Commands ?

● What Are Dcl Commands ?

● What Are Tcl Commands ?

● Difference Between Drop , Delete And Truncate ?

● What Is Meant By An Entity-Relationship(E-R) Model ?

● What Is Meant By Entity, Attributes?

● What Are The Different Types Of Attributes?

● What Are The Different Types Of Relationships?

● What Is Meant By Normalization And De-Normalization?

● Explain Different Types Of Normalization Forms In Dbms ?

● What Is Join And Its Types ?

● What Is A Transaction ?

● What Are Acid Properties In Dbms ?

● What Is The Schedule And Its Type ?

● What Is Meant By Extension And Intension?

● What Is Indexing And Its Types ?

● What Is 2-Phase Locking ?

● What is SQL ?

● What is SQL and why is it used ?

● What is the table and fields in db ?

● Explain different types of SQL commands ?

● What is the difference between SQL and my SQL ?

● What are DDL and DML languages ? Give an example ?

● What is the difference between Drop Delete Truncate?

● What is the primary key and unique key ?

● What is a foreign key?

● Why do we use case statements in SQL? Give an example?

● What is the difference between union and union all ?

● What is an alias in SQL?

● What are the constraints in SQL and their types?

● What is the difference between the 'group by' and 'order by' ?

● What is joins?

● What is the difference between inner , left , right , and full join ?

● What is the difference between distinct and groupby ?

● What are aggregate functions? Name and example different types of aggregate

● function in SQL?

● What are ACID properties?

● Nested subquery vs correlated subquery?

● SQL vs noSQL ?

● What is pattern matching given as an example ?

● Can we aggregate function as a window function if yes , then how do we do it ?

● How do you convert a text into date format? Consider the given example text as 3-2023" ?

● What are sub queries and where can we use them ?

● Difference between 'where' and 'having' clauses ?

● What are 'index' and why do we use them ?

● SQL vs noSQL ?

● What is pattern matching give example ?

● Varchar vs varchar2 ?

● What are triggers ?

● What is the difference between RANK , DENSE_RANK AND ROW_NUMBER window function ?

● What are sub queries and where can we use them ?

● Difference between 'where' and 'having' clauses ?

● What are 'index' and why do we use them ?

● How to use the group by and having clause in a select statement ?

● How do you use the join clause to combine data from multiple tables ?

● Use subquery in a select, insert, update, delete statement ?

● Use functions in SQL, such as avg , sum , count, max , min ?

● How do you handle transactions in SQL to ensure data consistency and integrity ?

● How do you optimize the performance of a database and SQL query ?

● How do you fetch only the first name from the full_name ?

● Find the third highest salary from the employee table ?

● Find the duplicate rows in a table ?

● Display the first and last record of the employee table ?

● Retrieve the list of employees working in the same department ?

● Fetch details of employees whose emp the last name ends with an alphabet 'a' and contains five alphabets ?

● Query to delete the duplicate records from the employee table ?

● Query to find no of employees whose DOB is between 1/6/1996 to 30/6/1998 and are grouped according to gender ?

● Fetch all the records from the employee table ordered by department in ascending order and salary in the descending order ?

● order and salary in the descending order ?

● Display the total salary of each employee after adding a 10% increment in the salary?

● Retrieve two min and Max salary ?

● Fetch employee name and replace the space with '_' ?